Thursday, December 2, 2010

Both kids get a new set of ears!

My 100th blogpost! Wow! And this one is all about the surgeries both my kids had today. They did fantastic! Kennedy got just tubes put into her ears, along with a long of draining of fluid/infection. Everything else looked good so no additional procedure done while she was under. Hopefully this will solve the many issues we have been having since last March. We all got some good laughs at her while she was 'drunk' on the happy sedative too.

After she came to, she cried/whined for about 5 minutes, but nothing too bad. Then she took a little nap and woke up surprisingly giddy! Then, she had every nurse and doctor just laughing and carrying on...I think she will be my little social butterfly. She probably broke the record of the amount of popsicles given to. I know how they feel, she can be hard to say no to!

Landon went in right after Kennedy and his took a little longer since he had to do a sinus irrigation along with his second set of tubes. He had a lot of 'goopy', thick fluid behind his ear drums which was causing the hearing loss. With the irrigation, they were able to clean out his sinuses that had a lot of infection in them. When we woke up, he didn't even cry at all. He just asked, "Am I back in my room?" He didn't like the idea of being 'taken' away when they wheeled him out of his room. We will know next week when we go in for the post-op to see how the cultures of the fluid turn out. Let's pray that it responds to the antibiotics so we won't be dealing with an allergy issue.

A lesson that I learned in this process is that I should have taken Landon in back in September to treat a sinus infection. I thought it was just a cold that lingered a little longer than usual and didn't know it was in his sinuses. There was also no snot, just cough and sniffles. We will never know if it would have mattered, but it's always better to double check and not be afraid to take them in to get checked out when their colds last a little longer than normal!

Here are some pictures and funny videos of the kids 'drunk' on the happy medicine and then another one of landon goofing off afterwards. Thanks for all your well wishes!

Kids looking at books that Big Papa and Jana brought them

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